T:07775 024 142 E:nina@floranina.co.uk

Flower Festival in Rottingdean

In July 2010, the lovely church of St Margaret's, in the heart of historic Rottingdean, hosted a flower festival on the theme of wedding anniversaries. 

I was given the brief to create a design to celebrate a diamond wedding anniversary (i.e. 60 years of wedded bliss). 

As slightly shorted dress lengths had become popular by 1950, I decided to give my wire mannequin ‘bride’ a knee length ivy dress.

Diamonds are classified by colour with yellow being the most common one; and I therefore decided to use yellow chrysanthemums - not only would they last well out of water but they were also a popular, and inexpensive, flower choice during the period in question.

The most exceptional and rare of all diamonds is a blue one, and I therefore gave my bride a bouquet of blue delphiniums to hold!
